
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

April Goals Revisited & May Look Ahead!

Well April is over.  At times it seemed to be a long month and then before I could look at the calendar again, it was over. Let's take a look at the goals... then again maybe we shouldn't.

1. We started off great by doing some planned activities and then things got busy and I didn't plan as much in advance.  He loved the ones we tried so I will continue to pick new ones.
2. I did not even attempt to do this one. Fail
3. Well I have decided to do the Chronological plan for 1 year on the YouVersion bible app. I start today!
4. I didn't define my goal properly so I will give my self a success on this one.  I never said useable embroidery things. I did make 4 things. Would I present them to anyone... nope, but I am making some progress. I did purchase a really great software for my mac (embrillance) for my Mother's day gift.
5. Another complete fail. I have got to get on this.
6. I do not like getting paid on the 15th and the last day of the month. I'd rather every 2 weeks on Fridays. Who wants to get paid on a Tuesday? It's throwing me off because David and I are on the same pay schedule, but I was able to save a little bit this month. 

So I thought that by having S.M.A.R.T. goals I would be more motivated at knowing exactly what I wanted to accomplish.  I realized though that between Max, work, grocery lists, cooking, cleaning, sleeping it's not realistic.  I think for May I will be more broad with some goals, but still keep some realistic. So there you have it. 


  1. S'ok, as long as you're making progress and moving forward, goals can be adjusted as you go along! Keep at it!

  2. I hear you on the weird pay schedule! The hubs gets paid the 1st and 15th, and I'm every other Friday (which I love). Half the year we get paid the same week, and half the year we don't, so I'm ALWAYS adjusting our budget. Frustrating! I guess I should just be grateful for two paychecks!

  3. What kind of embroidery machine did you get? I've been working on a few applique and embroidery posts. Hopefully I'll get them up soon!
