
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Max's First Haircut

I finally decided it was about time for Max to get a haircut. His hair kept getting into his eyes and it was curling up all around the ends.
We went to What a Cutie Cuts so he could sit in the race car for his first experience. He was cool about it at first and was wondering what was going on.
Then as soon as she put the cape on, he started screaming!
She got the bubbles out, tried to give him animal crackers and a comb. He liked all of that so then he calmed down and let her cut his hair.
He was still iffy about what all she was doing, but let her continue.
He kept starring at her in the mirror making sure she was doing a good job.
Precious little boy, I'm glad I can see his eyes better now.
Look at that handsome young man. He's getting so big. This place was really nice. They had a little play area behind the stations (as you can see in the back) and also a HUGE play room in the back with all sorts of toys.
Tada! I couldn't get a smile out of him so this will have to do. They luckily reminded me that I might want to save some of his baby hair so they bagged it up for me. He looks so different now, we just kept saying what where did our little baby go.


  1. Oh my goodness what a handsome boy! He did so well and looks so handsome!

  2. Oh So cute- He looks so much older now!! We haven't given Aubrey a haircut yet so I am glad to see he did so well!

  3. Nice job Max, or should we call him Maxwell now? So grown up! ;)

  4. he looks all spiffy with his hair cut!!
