
Monday, April 8, 2013

Premier Prints Fabric Trip

While we were in Mississippi visiting my sister I knew I wanted to venture to Premier Prints fabrics.  They print the most amazing fabric designs you could imagine. There is seriously not one pattern that I don't like. They have a website and you can order from there, but the prices are higher than I want to pay per yard. You can find most of the ones you like via amazon/ or other sites for cheaper, but sometimes the newer patterns are hard to find.
It is about an hour drive from her house so we brought James for backup in case Hadley wasn't cooperative. I sat in the back and entertained the kids for the ride and it went pretty well on the way there... the way back not so much. It was rough. I loved the nice touch of the curtains on the entryway. 
We weren't really in search of anything specific, but always looking for a good deal. I was glad to see that the pricing wasn't like their website, it was in the $7.99 range for most cotton fabric and the heavy duty and outdoor stuff was $10.99 a yard.
Everything was sorted by color shades.
Michelle was pushing Max in the stroller to keep him happy, he did very well just didn't want to stop moving for too long.
It wasn't too big in there, but it was big enough. They also print their fabric somewhere in the back I think, but all we saw were employees cutting fabric for internet and retailer orders (they sell wholesale, too).
We then found our way to the remnant rolls area where they had fabric for $5 a yard (bingo!). The largest roll was around 3 yards, so this was great for smaller projects. We really didn't have a need for things much bigger so it was perfect for us. I found a lot of ones with around 3 yards of fabric.
We found Hadley sleeping on James while we were shopping around. She was in fabric overload.
Max was a great helper holding our fabric finds for us.
Here is what we ended up with. All the pinks, yellows and grays on the bottom left are Michelle's for fabric letters for Hadley's room. All the blue/gray/yellow in the back are for pillows for Michelle's family room and kitchen bench. The ones on the bottom right are mine for a few projects I have in mind (kitchen bar stool covers, family room ottoman, pillows and the unknown).
Here is one of the fabrics laid over our coffee table. We are going to turn it into a cushiony ottoman to make it more baby safe. I'm having a pinterest girls night in a few weeks so I am going to have to get my project list organized so I can decided what ones to accomplish.


  1. Wow! This place is awesome! I could spend a small fortune in there!! Can't wait to see your new finished project!

  2. Wow I think I would be totally overwhelmed by which fabrics to choose, they are all awesome! Can't wait to see how your Pinterest girls night ends up!
