
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Pinterest Party Results Are In!

We started the pinterest party off with yummy food and beverages.
On the menu was Kerry's delicious Eclair Cake.
Erin brought this amazing skinny funfetti cake dip via a recipe she found on Pinterest. My picture doesn't do it justice. It tasted JUST like the cake batter, but its safely edible and delicious!
I supplied the margaritas,
Some dip and I made my M & M bars. We had way too much food for us, but we didn't mind one bit.
One of the highlights of my night was getting to use Erin's cricut machine. I love it, but it is a lot of pressure to make sure your design is straight when applying the vinyl.
My first project was to clean my make up brushes with hot water and vinegar followed by rinses. I thought this would be an easy task, but I have to say...
Pinterest Fail.  My makeup caked up to the top of my brushes and did not look good.  Mom ended up just washing them with some dawn dish soap and that worked WAY better.
My next project was converting t-shirts to wall art via canvas. I went to Hobby Lobby and purchased 8 x 10 canvas for a decent price and used a staple gun to staple the t-shirt to the canvas. It was a fairly easy task, but the staple gun was harder to press than I anticipated so it hurt my hand.
 I only ended up doing Max's Wild Thing T-shirt and 1 old Cheer shirt. They came out great though and I will finish them at some point. Success!
Erin made these adorable magnets from scrapbook paper
And helped me with this monogram vinyl for this clear cup she had. How cute is this!
Action shot. You can see Mom hard at work on covering our kitchen bar stools. 
This is the fabric I chose.
It takes a long time to do one and we were all too busy talking, drinking and eating to do a complicated project. This is our finished product... JK. She used foam padding and batting around the chair. It is quite comfy now and I can't wait till we finish (pics to follow-someday).  Yay Mom!
Kerry really embraced pinterest for her project. She decided on a burlap wreath. Now, haven't we all wanted to make one of these?! She found a GREAT tutorial and was able to make this faster than any of us with our projects.
I mean seriously, this looks professionally done. Fantastic Job Kerry!  Success!
Here we all are with our projects.  We had a few gals who were unable to make it to the party, but we will definitely have another one so hit me up if you are interested.
David was taking the pictures and said "OK, now look away." Apparently Kerry and I were the only ones to take direction.
Kerry and Erin

 I love my cup (and the cricut, and Erin)!

Max was outside with David and David (David's BFF) and this is what they were doing (apparently Max was pretending he was the dog). I'm linking up with these lovely blogs below.
Gingerly Made
All Things with PurposeDomestic Superhero


  1. Woah woah woah why am I just hearing about this funfetti dip- I have to have it. I love all these photos!

  2. Your wreath turned out so awesome! I would love for you to stop by my facebook page and share some pictures with my readers!

    I am so happy my tutorial was helpful! Please also share this at my link party tomorrow!!

  3. What a great idea for a party! I might have to steal this from you! I'd love to have a night with the girls to try new projects and recipes. That cake batter dip sounds delish!

  4. My readers loved this! I am sharing this today as one of my most popular posts from last week! Hope to see you today at Sharing with Domestic Superhero Thursdays!
