
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Quick Trip Recap

We are back from our trip up to NY.  We had a lot of fun visiting family and friends, but it was challenging with 2 kiddos who didn't sleep well (picture screaming most the night and uncontrollable tantrums).  Poor Max is so hoarse now.  Until I download the pictures from my camera I will share some iPhone pics we snapped while away.
My first project with the embroidery machine was making a few things for baby Michael (Jen's baby boy arriving in July). I'll share more soon.
Max and Hadley got to visit with their Great Grandma and Grandpa.  Max had fun playing in her big yard since we had BEAUTIFUL weather (unlike back in the ATL).
We attended Jen's nautical themed baby shower where Max showed off his adorable outfit we found for $12 on sale at Macy's.
There are anchors on his pants, he just needs a yacht to go on.
Princess Hadley had to show off her cute outfits and bows of course.  She was so smiley and happy most the time (besides the sleep issue).
Michelle spent a lot of her time sleeping wherever she could with baby Hadley.
On the way home I had booked a window seat so that Max could look behind the seat at Michelle and Hadley (I thought it would occupy him), but I really should have gotten an aisle so he could have a little more room. Thankfully as luck would have it we found Jen on our flight back to ATL. She graciously volunteered to switch seats with the lady in the middle seat next to us so she could help wrangle Max.  He had fun playing and eating crackers with her.  He finally zonked out the last 20-30mins of the flight.  We are thankful to be home, but we were glad to visit with everyone. Special thanks to Eileen and Jim for letting us stay at your house and keep you awake most the nights. Also, to Jens cousins for letting us borrow all their baby gear!! That helped so much!

1 comment:

  1. Good times, but I'm sure it was crazy. Tough to travel with little ones, but I'm sure everyone enjoyed it!
