
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rochester Part Uno

We stayed at my cousin Eileen and Jim's house so she greeted us and stole little Miss Hadley.
Hadley is really good at just hanging out.  Most the time you can just sit with her and she'll be a happy girl.
Our next stop was visiting our grandma and introducing her to Hadley. Grandma had fun playing with her great grandchildren.
Max was running around getting into everything, but we enjoyed visiting and eating yummy Mark's pizza and wings.
Dad and Hadley.
After we ate we went outside so Max could run around in the grass.  It didn't take him long to find some sticks to play with.
He even played peek-a-boo with grandpa around the tree.
We had gorgeous weather while we were up there.  It was unseasonably warm.  I just feel bad that everyone gets their hopes up that summer (or at least spring) is there to stay and that's normally not the case. One exciting tidbit about Rochester is that "The Amazing Spider Man 2" is filming in downtown.  
Max loves to sit down on curbs, steps, ledges, anything he finds so he enjoyed sitting with great grandma on her front steps.
The grass up there is super soft and Max took advantage of it.
Our happy boy loves to be outside.
We hate that our visit was so short, but glad we got to spend time with Max and Hadley's grandpa and great grandma!


  1. You got so many great pictures from your trip! Glad y'all had such a great time!

  2. Cute picture of your dad and Max!

  3. Aww, good times. Looks like Max had lots o fun!
