
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fuzzy Balls Sensory Activity

I was looking for another easy activity for Max to practice his sensory skills.  I came across this simple one.  
Supplies- An old wipe container and a pack of different size fuzzy balls. I got mine at target for around $2 and there are even some balls that have spikes on them (very small, they don't hurt) so he can feel the different textures.
The activity is simple.  I dump all the balls out and he can pick them up and push them through the opening of the wipe container.  It's great because he has to figure out how much force to push them in based on the sizes. We take time to feel the softness or spikey ones.
 He has great reactions to them. I also try to teach him colors. We started with pacci out, but he quickly started putting them in his mouth so definitely need supervision.
I told him to feel how soft it was on his face and he started rubbing it on his cheek. SO cute!


  1. Good job buddo! Better ramp it up, we want him playing Monopoly when we're there next month. ;)
