
Monday, June 3, 2013

Helper Stand for Max

David did a lot of projects around the house this weekend. One of the things on his to-do list (assigned by me of course) was to build a helper stand for Max.  Leah's Dad had made one made for Emery and I always see her using it.  We checked out Ana White's website and man, is it a FANTASTIC website for building things.  She has so many FREE plans that are awesome. 
David's nephew Kaleb came over to help him with the project.  He did a great job measuring and assisting.
Max was upset he couldn't come down and help, but we had fun playing upstairs.
The project was only suppose to cost $20 to build, but of course David needed better quality wood and other supplies while at Home Depot so he easily doubled or tripled that number.
Finished product!  Sorry the lighting is horrible, I took this late last night.  I still need to paint it, but I am researching the best way to paint furniture as I want to do it right and I have zero experience doing it the proper way.  I don't like brush stroke marks and I don't think I want a stain, more of a color.  I think I will try to match the blue in the new seat cushions mom made.
 It was pre-primed and David sanded it a bit, that's why the color looks like that.
 Max was a little hesitant at first and would just sit on it, but he has really warmed up to it.
He helped Gigi wash and put the beans in the pot last night for dinner, had a little ice cream at the counter with us, brushed his teeth (well as well a 15 month old can brush them) and helped make his breakfast smoothie this morning.  There was definitely less whining coming from him wanting to be picked up all the time to see, so definitely worth it! I'll post pictures when I paint it.
Forgot to mention this disgusting creature that I found in our house last night... I was playing with Max in his room while David was  putting up his curtains and bookshelves (yup, took this long to do) and I look at his light in the ceiling fan and notice something walking around in the lamp.... It was a freaking scorpion... alive... in Max's room. I FREAKED OUT, grabbed Max and ran out of the room. Thank God David was home to get it.  We checked everywhere else, but I hope this was an isolated incident.  David said he was trying to eat a dead beetle that was in the light.  How it got there, I really freaking don't know. I am so glad I saw it though. YUCKKKKKK. Update- bug guy said he crawled up the house and into the attic so they are bombing the attic today (don't worry Max will be out of the house with Mom).


  1. That helper stand looks awesome! He'll help with grandma's sauce soon. And yuck to the creepy crawlies!

  2. Look at him helping!! I love it and want it, thanks in advance :)

  3. LOVE your helper stand!! Looks so awesome and I would definitely go with using a super small roller to paint it. I've heard those things work great!

    And I seriously almost threw up when I saw that last picture of the scorpion. I would have FREAKED and you know me, I was the one who in the office that would squish bugs!
