
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Happy 30th Birthday Twinnie!!

Today 30 years ago I was born first via c-section. I was born a little shorter, a little smaller, but a little older and wiser :)
 Happy 30th birthday to my twin sister, Michelle!
I'm glad she was able to celebrate with us this past weekend. We took a few photos with us and the kids to document.
Love our precious babies who I guess were looking at Uncle James in the background.
Thanks to our mom for having us! Happy Birthday! I don't feel a day over 22 so I guess 30 isn't so bad. My brother is always going to be older :)


  1. Older, wiser and for myself, wanted to add in way better looking. ;) Happy Bday!

  2. Wiser... Ok you guys sure thing! Happy bday sis miss ya guys

  3. Happy birthday! Glad you got to celebrate with Michelle last week.

  4. Hope you both had a wonderful birthday! I love the photos - they are beautiful! :)

  5. Happy birthday to you both!! You guys are so adorable! Happy 30!!!
