
Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekend Wrapup

We did a little early birthday celebrating this weekend since my sister was in town a few more days.We got pedicures, did a little shopping (didn't buy anything) and went to Ippolitos for dinner. We also had a family pool party yesterday.  Max is liking the water more and more. He is so good in the big pool with us as long as there is a ball he can play with.
 Max was showing his best cheese face.

This is a teacher bag I appliqued and embroidered.  She is going to be a bear cat so we put some paw prints on their, too.
Max zooming his car.
Max had to say good bye to Bella as she left with Michelle and crew this weekend.  He still asks to go see the kitty cat (by meowing in his own way) and we have to remind him that he saw her go bye bye in the car. So then he says car and goes to the window to wave. 
Max got introduced to fishies at Petsmart and was pretty amazed by it. 
My silly boy always climbing on everything.  He can now climb in to his helper stand (has been able to for a while), his high chair and onto my bed (it has a ledge).  He doesn't realized he can get out of his crib yet, so that's good news (knock on wood).
These two cousins are up to no good as usual. Monkey see, monkey do. 
Hadley and Max playing together.  So adorable.
Had to take a few photos of our almost 9 month old! I can't believe it. She is getting so big. She crawls like a champ and is now pulling up on things!
I hope she doesn't get too big too fast! I just want to squeeze her all the time.
Max tried to ride Molly like a horsey yesterday and Molly responded by licking his face.  They are quite the pair.  Hope everyone had a great weekend. Is it Friday yet?


  1. Love the recap! It may be time to visit the aquarium with the bud! Hadley boo misses her auntie tons. Although Bella seems to not miss the bud as much as he missed her :/ love the teacher bag and so does my teacher friend.

  2. Great pics, perfect cheese face there Buddo!
