
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Max's Trip to the Pumpkin Patch- 20 Months

This past weekend we took Max to the pumpkin patch. It's the same one we went to last year. It's close by and not as elaborate as the other ones up in the North GA mountains, but with David still studying we didn't want to make the trek up there.
Of course Max had to wear his Halloween gear I made for him.
He was much more mobile this year and was hard to get a picture of him sitting in one place.

Mom did good getting a one handed photo of us. It was a bit warm that day, but we made do in summer clothes.
Max loved looking at the farm animal painting.
He got excited after he saw what the openings were for!
He was dancing and clapping to the music they had playing. We went right as they opened on Sunday and it wasn't crowded.
They had a few chickens, goats, rabbits and ponies on display. Max was pretty intrigued.
Me and Max. Right after this photo he squirmed out and we barely got this one, but I'll take it!
We ran into one of our neighborhood friends and Max saw their little boy riding the pony so he kept pointing. He is normally so shy about doing anything like that but I asked him if he wanted to go on the pony and he kept saying yes. The lady was nice and said she'd give us our money back if he didn't like it.  You can't tell by his face, but he stayed on the whole time and really liked it.

They have this big corn pit that you can play in. The rules state that you can't wear shoes and Max  didn't want to go in until he saw the rakes, shovels and buckets to play with.
Once he got going there was no stopping him.  He didn't even put any in his mouth! You can see how deep it goes (not that much but enough where it's hard to walk).
He had it all to himself and played for a while.
He was happy as could be sitting and swinging.
I mean, I am sorry for posting all these photos, but seriously he is just too cute.
Definitely frame worthy.

Max didn't want to share the swing with anyone after that so he was trying to inch away from Gigi.
We had to document her cast though!
I think he is saying "Gigi, you go over there".

Love Mom's face on this one! We had to make one last stop for Max to try out the character faces.
There he is! 
My buddy is SO big! He is 20 months old today. I can't even imagine him next year! We might even try a corn maize next year.


  1. i mean soooooo cute!! that corn pit looks so fun! i wanted hadley to go in ours but you know how she is with eating EVERYTHING

  2. 1. He is SO big! 2. He is SO gorgeous! 3. Love the photos. 4. You look amazing (seriously, what is your secret?).

  3. precious. his outfit is perfect and so cute!!!


  4. Haha is your mom making the duck face? Silly Ginny!

  5. He is just so adorable. I miss the little guy...wish we were closer to experience the fun things with you all!
