
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Latest Happenings

I don't mean to ignore the blog as much as I have been, but I have been busy with pajamas. The Christmas colored kind! Every night after Max goes to bed I am consumed with embroidering pajamas. I thought I'd show you some of the ones I've done lately.
This is a train carrying a Christmas tree. This is one of my favorite applique designs I've done.
I love a good matching set and these gingerbread boy/girl do not disappoint!
I love the combo of colors and initials in this group.
The names are classic and also a favorite. 
So cute. I feel like Christmas is right around the corner, but there is 2 + months to go!
This weekend I took Max with me grocery shopping and I promised him a car because last time they were all gone so we got there early.  He was very entertained the whole time!
Mom and I took Max to Taste of Suwanee on Saturday. We are riding on a bus here and I took a selfie with Max. He was pretty entertained although his face doesn't show it.
I knew I wanted to get a taco and I found a bbq pulled pork taco with coleslaw. They even had pink tortillas for breast cancer awareness month.
One of the other favorites was Ippolito's ziti and rolls. They had a ton of great food and dessert and very reasonable for the amount of money vs. tickets you receive. Definitely would go back.
They had a train ride for 6 tickets which seemed like a lot, but they let me ride with him for free and we had tickets left over so it worked out.
Sorry these next photos have terrible lighting so they didn't come out great on my phone. I got Max a potty since he's been so interested in bathroom activities. He actually went potty on it within a few minutes of sitting on it. Boy, were we surprised and in turn we got so excited and Max was elated that we were so excited for him.
While on Amazon I picked up a few more fun things for Max including these car/construction magnets that we use on the garage door since it's aluminum and our stainless steel fridge won't allow him to use magnets. He does a victory dance once he puts them up there.
He loves playing on Gigi's ipad and doing puzzles. He's getting so good at things like that. He picks out his favorite apps and goes to town. Such a smart boy. I will get a post ready with the fun toys he's been interested in the past 6 months or so.


  1. HAHA...that pic with his hands up in the air is great!! Really captured the moment there, too funny.

  2. those pjs are so cute!!!!!!! aaa! i want to learn how to embroider!!

