
Monday, October 21, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

I am on my way to a work conference in Destin, FL for a majority of the week and my sweet little Max is with Gigi at Auntie Michelle's house. We drove half way Saturday to drop them off. I was so glad they were able to meet us and we could do the swap. I feel better knowing Max is playing with Hadley and has so many people who love him. I am going through serious withdrawls though. It will be a week and 1 day that I won't see him. The most I've spent away is 1 night (24 hours). David is with me since he had the week off already to study for his test on Friday so he can study in FL.  I have starred at these pictures more than a normal person would because I miss my buddy, but he is just so cute. We carved pumpkins last week and he was pretty into it. Hope you all have a great week and I'm counting down the days!

 Michelle and Hadley joined in on our fun.  Max would take pieces over to show them what he was doing, it was cute.

 I love this photo! Max kept starring up at David watching him work, it was adorable!! 
 So sweet.
 We bribed him by putting in a wooden spoon so he could scoop out the inside. He just retrieved the spoon and didn't want to actually touch the guts.
 Here Daddy have a taste. 
 Love his faces.

 "Anybody in there?"
 Popping out the pieces. 
 The finished pumpkin. We went the traditional jack o lantern face. 
 I have no idea why he made that face, but it's funny.
 I decided to be in a photo since I was behind the camera for most of it. I wanted to put a bat on the pumpkin that I had a cookie cutter for. Max was into hitting it with the mallet so he was all for it. 
 He just loves to give the cheese face.
All finished and lit up on the porch. Tada! Love that he is old enough to sort of participate these days! Next up, see if he actually will wear his Halloween costume.


  1. So cute the way he adored David.

  2. what cherished, treasured memories! this takes me straight back to my family photos of my sister and i carving pumpkins with my dad :)

    thanks for the sweet pics (and the trip down memory lane!)


  3. So cute. I hope your time away flies by...I know just how hard it is to be away. Hang in there, mama!

  4. Looks like y'all had a blast! We haven't carved ours yet ahh. Hope you and David are enjoying an entire week together even though I know you are both missing Max so much. Study David study!
