
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

1st Annual Cookie Exchange

FREE printable set: Cookie Exchange Package by DimplePrints...GIGANTIC set {91 pages!!} of printables for a Christmas milk & cookies party or cookie exchange, including banners, cupcake wraps, French fry boxes, party hats, food tent cards, invitation AND printable papers for any Christmas event!

Ever since we moved in the house we said we should have a cookie party because our kitchen island was so big. Well, I opted not to have an all day cooking extravaganza, but to have a cookie exchange where everyone brought cookies they made prior.
I have been a bad Christmas blogger and haven't even shown you our fabulous Christmas tree. I love everything about it. Yes, it is that big. I think it's 12 or 14 ft. Yes, it was free so don't go thinking I spent a million dollars on it. We had to string new lights on it, but it was worth it! I love my color scheme of lime green and red with hints of white and other colors. I also still LOVE my homemade tree skirt David and I made a few years ago. I have an issue with stockings. I do not like the ones I have and I look every year for new ones sometimes buying a different set after Christmas. I think I just need to have my mom make them or spend a little more and get long lasting ones.  Anyways, back to the party.
It was a team effort by David, my mom and I to get this party pulled together, but it turned out so great. We set our dining room table up as a display for all the cookies/goodies. I created some height with wrapped present boxes. Of course, my mom made the focal point wreath! Our elf also made his appearance that night.

I had prizes for the best tasting, most creative and most festive cookie.
We hung some ornaments from our top railing and have some garland up there as well. I'll take outside light pictures soon.
I had everyone bake 6 dozen cookies. 1 dozen was to be displayed and eaten by everyone that night. The other 5 dozen were to be packaged in groups of 6 for ease of sharing/taking home. Look at all the wonderful packaging that everyone brought! I was so impressed.
I also had place cards with numbers to go with the cookies so we could easily vote for our favorites. I (as in my mom) made #4, Dark Chocolate chewy gingerbread cookies.
More yummy goodness
We ended up having 16 sets of cookies! We had 3 people not be able to make it, but they still brought over cookies. That is dedication! My mom made # 12- Pecan Mexican Wedding Cookies.
Full table!
I started to take small group pictures of all the guests.
Then decided to go for a group shot.
Since I wasn't in the group shot and Meredith came later we took our own pic. Love that I have so many great neighbors and friends to come celebrate.
Here you can see our food island table (well the aftermath). I made this awesome salad (you really must make it), crock pot meatballs, cheese and crackers, guacamole and chips, mini hotdog & spanikopia (thanks Sams Club). I was trying to keep things light since we were desserting all night, but I went a little overboard. I just like food too much. We drew numbers and lined up in a circle to go around the goodie table to gather our cookies. We did this because with 16 people and 10 sets of each kind of cookie, some of the favorites would be gone faster and it was luck of the draw. It worked out really well and we kept going round and round. Everyone went home with 5 dozen cookies! All the paper goods I used were found via pinterest here. Thanks to all who came and I hope to do it again next year.


  1. Your party was PROFESSIONAL level seriously!!! Great job mom :)
    Who won the prizes?!?

  2. That looks like so much fun! Great decorations.

  3. I agree everything looks SO professional. I have no idea how you had time to do all of this especially all your beautiful decorating beforehand!! Sounds like a fun party!
