
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Max's 2nd Encounter with Santa!

Shall we take a trip down memory lane for last year's Santa experience. 
Max was not a fan of Santa last year...
Or this year! We just went to David's work where someone dressed up as Santa. Santa needs to learn how to open his eyes for photos and a little white eyebrow coloring should have occurred in my opinion. Poor little buddy. We watched other kids go and I could tell he wasn't feeling it, but we had to be bad parents and get the ever adorable screaming kid photo. Maybe next year?


  1. Wow, at least he's consistent! ;)

  2. oh my buddy!! poor thing! don't worry hadley will follow suit. What is up with both your santas eyes, you have one job EYES OPEN/SMILE!

  3. I love when Ellen does the Santa photos! Kids always seem to be screaming/crying and it is funny (because it doesn't happen when they are older) and we all have that photo
