
Monday, February 24, 2014

Perfect Weather Weekend

We had a perfect weather weekend with temperatures in the 60's and low 70's! Unfortunately Saturday night- Sunday morning Max was hit with a stomach bug and was throwing up. This was his mischievous face he gives me sometimes from before the sickness started. 
We were running a few errands Saturday morning and we stopped at a garage sale where we found this really cool puppet show/theater thingy. Scored this for $15. I can't wait for garage sale season. We really got teased with nice weather. Can't beat a warm February in Georgia because there are hardly any BUGS or bees out yet! 
We took Max to the neighborhood playground also on Saturday and he wouldn't get out of the swings. He kept wanting us to push him, we almost caught him falling asleep in it at one point! He was a swing lover as a baby so maybe it brings back fond memories!
Happy boy! 
This was a picture from when he was finally eating/drinking and feeling better Sunday. He was saying hi to Auntie Shelly. After the throwing up stopped we walked in to find him sitting on his chair (pictured above) and he had a t-shirt on and all we could see was bubbling POOP coming from his pants and all the way UP his back. I mean I know that's TMI, but thank goodness we walked in and saw it. He immediately went in the bath tub and the damage wasn't as bad as it could have been. He hasn't gotten sick since yesterday morning so hopefully it's gone and no one else gets it!


  1. aw glad you're feeling better, Max. Sounds like quite the poopsplosion you had!

  2. Love that mischievous face of his. I remember when he did that same face when he came to visit here way back. Poopapalooza!

  3. Stay healthy Max and have fun chasing around the neighborhood kids. Glad you guys find good deals and items at garage sales.
