
Monday, March 3, 2014

Pregnancy # 2 Survey Weeks 23 & 24

How Far Along: 23 & 24 weeks

Size of baby: They say about 12 inches long and 1- 1 lb 4 oz in weight.

Weight: The scale only says around 8 lbs of growth, but my belly has definitely sprouted. 

What I miss: Nada

Sleep: I'm getting good at getting up a few times for the bathroom and going right back to sleep.

Symptoms: Feeling good, just getting larger.

Cravings: Just always hungry as usual, craving nothing in particular. I could go for mexican as usual.

Aversions: Nothing.

Gender- A sweet girl! Nope, no names yet. Not even some choices.

Movement: She moves pretty good. I think they are just starting to be more noticeable from the outside. Max was so sweet this weekend, he was doing airplane on my legs and tries to jump around so I said you gotta be careful because of baby sister. He then lifts up my shirt (sticks his finger in my belly button) and then kisses and puts his head on my belly. So sweet. He wanted me to do it to him and I was telling David later that night and he thought David had a baby as well haha (he might, it's debatable). 

Maternity Clothes: Last time around I wrote that I was wearing a few maternity jeans and same shirts, but I am busting out of my pants (I'm sure I've stretched them out forever) wearing them with my bella band. My shirts are also tight and I am much more comfortable in maternity stuff, just need to get more.

Best Moments this week: Enjoying the nice weather we've had on the weekends.

What I'm looking forward to: Picking out Max's big boy furniture and room planning.

Milestones: We might have found some furniture for Max's room. Waiting to see how it pans out, but I'll share a few design elements maybe this week on the blog. His room is first, then probably basement stuff, then little miss's room.  I did schedule maternity/Max's 2 year old pictures to be done April 13th so that's a good thing. Max also has his first dentist appointment this Friday.
23 Weeks. 
Self timer work at it's best. Lighting is bad and Max stole his pacci's from his crib.
Max being his crazy climbing Monkey self in the background.
24 Weeks, not looking so great here, but it was the end of a long day.
I'll be 25 weeks tomorrow (I mean woah, only 15 more weeks left??) and my belly is definitely more round now.


  1. Umm...excuse me...what belly?! You are tiny! I'm so jealous. My bump is ridiculous these days. I know the baby's not that big, so what the hell is in there?! :) But really, you look amazing. So happy and definitely glowing. And why is naming a baby girl so hard?! No name contenders at all? You're right where we are!

  2. You look great! Isn't it crazy how quickly the second pregnancy is going?! We have NO clue on names, and have to come up with one of each since we aren't finding out!
