
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Latest Happenings!

Sorry I've been MIA lately, we've just been in a holding pattern with not much going on. Except our recent weekend trip to see Miss. Hadley!
Michelle mentioned that there was an airshow going to be going on and we should come. Well, we let David have the house to himself this past weekend to study (had to leave him alone on his birthday, but don't worry celebrations will be this weekend). We are anxiously awaiting Friday, when the test will be over. We get to have David back and boy do we have lots of plans these last 9-10 weeks before baby comes! We got the kids noise canceling headphones and weren't sure they were going to want to use them. Before we knew it they were playing with each others and having a grand ole time.
The thunderbirds were the highlight of the air show. They were very cool to see and the Max loved seeing them. He would count the planes as they went by.
We skipped his nap to get there on time and he thankfully took a little stroller snooze for us.
They were all decked out in their sunglasses momentarily as you can tell. One of Max's favorite part of the day besides the planes was the school bus ride. It was actually just a shuttle bus, but he kept saying school bus. He had a blast.
Waiting for the bus!
Little Hadley boo waiting for the air show to begin.
They kept their headphones on for all the thunderbirds act. There were times it was so loud that it scared us and they didn't flinch. Def. worth it!
We had such a fun time visiting and playing. Mom is looking up at the planes here. Max was a crazy boy around Hadley maybe trying to show off I don't know. Luckily he has calmed back down upon arriving home.

A few other things that are coming up is our photo shoot this Sunday for Max's 2 year pictures and family maternity shoot. I bought this cute navy dress at Kohls and then tried to coordinate outfits for us. Going with a navy/yellow theme. I just have to make sure you can see my belly ok in the dress and it won't blend with the photos. The weather looks amazing (78 degrees and sun!).
I also got some new furniture paint and tested it out on a white stool I got Max that we haven't assembled. My goal is to repaint Max's big boy bed. Yup, you heard that right.
We purchased Max a big boy bed via craigslist. It was brand new from Pottery barn in the exact style I wanted for $400 less than retail. Only issue is that it's navy blue. I wanted the dark mocha/chocolately finish. So I found some great paint (velvet finishes) and was testing it out (not in the chocolate color). I like how the color goes on (very smooth looking/no brush strokes), but am not loving the finish so still testing it out. I don't want to ruin the smooth nice pottery barn look.
We also found Max a dresser set via his parents online community website. We got a really nice long dresser (shown above), side table, bookshelf and trunk for $300. It is so durable, I LOVE it. The color works great too because all the hinges/handles are that dark chocolate color. I didn't take any other pics, but I will update you all in a bit.  The lady was so great and just wanted it to go to a good home. I mean why pay full price for such wonderful things! 
We got back Sunday with a bunch of goodies from Michelle's (newborn baby girl clothes, milk storage containers, bassinets, etc.). David and I are still in denial she's coming so soon, I think I'll cook her in here for a few years lol. We decided to put the bassinet together as Max was interested in the pieces and we felt we needed to do at least one thing to get ready for baby girl. He was a bit confused it wasn't for him, but then we told him to put his stuffed animal in there as a place holder for the baby. He was so cute! Stay tuned for lots more fun updates.
We are hitting the ground running with rib-a-palooza for David, his Dad and Nephew Josh's birthday this weekend (photo from a past party), basement renovation planning/starting and Max's big boy room.


  1. Such a fun weekend! Love the outfits you guys picked out for photos. We're doing Mac's 2 year photos on Friday and I have no idea what I'm going to wear. I guess I better get on that soon. And you have a bassinet, so you're already father than I am with preparing for baby girl. We're no where close...I agree, I could keep cooking her for another year or two (and probably still not be ready).

  2. Let's dooooooo this!! So many exciting things happening

  3. Fun stuff, lots coming up, can't wait to follow along.
