
Monday, April 14, 2014

Pregnancy # 2 Surveys: 29 & 30 Weeks

How Far Along: 29 & 30 weeks (I'm behind in posting so I'm actually just about 31 weeks now but for survey purposes we'll keep it accurate).

Size of baby: Your baby's almost 3 pounds (like a head of cabbage). She's measuring right on track for the amount of weeks I am.

Total Weight Gain: 17 lbs

Sleep: I'm still up about 2-3 times a night for the bathroom, but if I don't go on my phone I can fall back asleep right away. I haven't afternoon napped on weekends in a long time so I guess that's a good thing. 

Symptoms: Nothing too crazy going on, just normal stuff. I am noticing that my stomach is shaped more higher up than with Max.

Gender- Girl, not named yet but exploring a few options more seriously lol.

Movement: She is quite the mover, just like Max was. It's very similar to last pregnancy.  No idea if she's breech or turned or what. Doctors aren't concerned for at least 5-6 more weeks. We just knew early with Max because we had an extra ultrasound around this time because of not being able to see some parts in our anatomy scan.

Maternity Clothes: Finally got some maternity work pants thanks to my sister and her finding some out shopping. Thanks to my mom for taking them up, they were super long. I have been doing more comfortable dresses which I look forward to for the upcoming warmer months.

Best Moments this week: It would def. have to be David taking with test on Friday. I know it's not timing related with the weeks, but for sure the best moments. We have our David back with full attention to us!

What I'm looking forward to:  My sister and my mom are planning this ADORABLE sprinkle for baby girl and the invites are just too cute. I will have to get permission from them on showing you!

Milestones: Max has a big boy bed and furniture. Just need to decide if I'm painting the it... I keep going back and forth. It's navy blue and I wanted a chocolate brown, but that is a lot of work and it really doesn't look bad... We also had family maternity photos done/Max's 2 year pics this weekend. It was rocky at first as Max was shy and cried, but once he eased into it I think it went pretty well. I can't wait to see the pics!
I should have cropped these photos, but I didn't so what can ya do.
Me and my beach ball! These pics were taken at 30 weeks.


  1. You look awesome! Can't wait to see photos of the nursery and your family pictures! We did Mac's 2 year photos this past weekend too and I'm incredibly impatient and ready for a sneak peek! So excited to hear you might have a name. I think we're making progress there too!
