
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Max's 1st Easter Egg Hunt at School

Max's preschool had an Easter egg hunt on Tuesday and I couldn't miss his first official egg hunt! I took a long lunch and visited him at school.
This is his classroom. They were supposed to do it outside, but the rain/cold weather kept us inside. We practiced inside so he didn't know any better. They also left the eggs empty inside which was fine by us since he doesn't know something goes inside.
Max did a great job of finding the eggs and putting them in his bag.
Gigi came to help, too!

He was pretty excited about his finds.
My silly boy.

Looking at his loot! I have some other great pics of him with his other classmates, but I am not going to post other people's kids faces on my blog without permission so these will have to do. I had fun watching him interact at school. He listens so well and is talking so much at school. The teachers are great and I am glad he is going. We are doing our neighborhood egg hunt this weekend outside so more fun will be had!

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