
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Basket Hunting & Family Pictures 2015

The Easter bunny brought some exciting things for the kids' Easter baskets this year.
Max got a lot of surprise eggs with tattoos, chalk fun, playdo, school work and bandaids (always a favorite).
Colette's was filled with longsleeve bibs, clothes and a new water cup.
Max was up early and you can tell :) haha look at him. He went to get Gigi so he could look for his basket.
Is it behind the couch.... no.
In the cupboard... no
How about this one?
Oooh what's that?
It's a BIG surprise egg covered in play dough.

Filled with sour patch goodies.
He loves them.
And airheads. I think he might be my friend Leah's kid as she is a candy lover. I am more of a chocolate fan.
He sees something else!
It's Colette's basket! We'll let her find it later. She was still sleeping.
Off to keep looking. Could it be in here?
Let me see...
Ha, look at his face. It's hard to see it, but his mouth is wide open and he's very excited.

I'm pretty sure he is saying Surprise egg.

It's Colette's turn!
We just guided her towards her basket and she went right for it.
Well really just for the cup and the packaging it came in.

Yay Easter  basket!
Look how cute this bib is!
Time for some official Easter outfit pictures. We dressed her in purple. A gift from our neighbors at her shower.
Max's turn. So handsome. I think he got this shirt from my friend for his 2nd birthday (size 2T) and it finally fits him great. See, clothes last a long time at our house so it's worth the investment!
Look at these cutie pies!! Yes, Max was bribed with sour watermelon candy, but boy does he perform when he wants something.
Even a kiss!

Me and my baby girl!
and my buddy! Not sure why this came out blurry.

We had my cousins and our neighbors over for Easter dinner and the kids had a great time playing together. Pilar was wonderful and patient with Colette and I got to hang with the adults instead of chasing her around.
Look how Colette is looking at Pilar. And Noah is cooperating, but as you can see Max wasn't bribed with candy so he didn't cooperate. 
And finally our official self timered 2015 Easter pic! 

Look at Max and Hadley from Easter 2 years ago! It's almost too much to handle the cuteness!!!!!!


  1. Colette's dress is so pretty! Great family photo, too.

  2. Such great photos! Molly looks like She has only one leg in that photo :) that Minnie bib!!
