
Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Egg Hunting 2015

Max participated in many Easter egg hunts this year. I think 4 total.
I won't bore you with alllll the photos, but you get to see some. This is from our neighborhood egg hunt.

Off he goes!

The kids skipped over an egg so I put Colette down and she grabbed it right up.
It was so sunny today and yes our grass stays dead until it's ready to be spring soon.

Max was pretty excited about what he would find in all the eggs.
It doesn't look like any other kids were there, but there was about 12 of them. This is Max's buddy Chase checking out his goods.
Cheese faces.

Silly face.
And just to add some confusion, Max had his egg hunt at school and I put him in the same shirt. Hey, when your kid wants to wear a dress shirt and usually refuses to put one on, you let him put the same one he just wore.

One of Max's best buddies.
Another best buddy and he got hot so nice shirt off.
Best class pic we could get. haah Landon looks like he is stuffing his face already.
We also had Chase over to dye Eggs. It was Windy's idea and perfect timing because we needed some motivation to get it done.
Colette was hanging for a bit with the kiddos and daddy.
She kept getting restless and she is usually in bed by 7:30pm and gets cranky girl. She loved hanging out with Windy and never cried.
She has a 14 month old that was with his daddy (he had an ear infection) so she's used to juggling two.
Max was very into the whole process.
Chase had a really good time dropping the eggs in the cups.
He was too busy to look up for the photo.
Colette was allowed to sit down for 2 seconds until she grabbed the newspaper as you can see and started pulling. I just love the boys concentration.
haha Yay Max!

Final product shots. The colors really did come out great. They decorated with stickers and funny faces. Thanks to my mom (which i realized we didn't take any photos of) she worked behind the scenes to boil all our eggs and get our easter egg dyes all together. It really does take a village :)

Of course no gathering is complete without a superhero show down. Stay tuned for official Easter photos of the kiddos this week. Hope you had a great Easter and weekend.


  1. Looks like Max had tons of fun. Enjoy your well-deserved treats, Max!
