In January I was very pregnant, check out that face, wow. Max was still breech and decided he really didn't want to come out the normal way. We tried an external version to see if that would work, no such luck.
It was a big month getting ready for Max. I had the best work shower anyone could ever ask for from my great friends Leah and Lacey.
We got to see Max in 3D/4D ultra sound. He kind of looks like this now, still as adorable.
In February David finished up the nursery by adding the vinyl wall mural depicting a scene from the book Where The Wild Things Are. We decided to keep with that same theme in the new house (and sneak preview, it will be his 1st bday theme too).
Baby Max made his grand entrance the night before my scheduled c-section, you can read his birth story part 1 and part 2.

In April, we had Uncle Chris and Aunt Marla come to visit their new nephew.
Uncle James also came to visit.
Most exciting of all happened at the end of the month where my Mom (Max's Gigi) moved down to GA with us to take care of Max!
In May, we had a fun cinco de mayo party.
Max turned 3 months old and I learned that I did not have a job to go back to after my maternity leave. Big bummer.
Much happier news is we got to announce that Max was going to be a big cousin! My sister was pregnant! And David was now an EIT.
In June we had a gender reveal party for my sister and learned that her baby is a girl!
Max turned 4 months old and David and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary.
In July, we learned the name our our soon to be niece, Hadley Emilia! Max turned 5 months old and David started a new job as a Senior Environmental Engineer at Norfolk Southern.
I also started making my own baby food for Max. I have really enjoyed that.
August was a busy month, we had a fun visit with our cousins.
Max took his first plane ride to TX to visit Auntie and celebrate our birthdays.
We also on a whim put our house up for sale after putting in a bid on a short sale (in May) not thinking it was going to sell so fast (or at all). To our surprise it sold within 2 weeks!
Max turned 6 months.
In September we took a trip to NY for Max to visit Dad and Grandma
and to have a sweets and treats baby shower for Michelle.
Max turned 7 months old.
In October, Max became an official model with his first gig.
We moved out of our house that we've been in for 5 years and stayed with Davids parents for 3 months before our new house was ready.
Max went to his first pumpkin patch and he loved touching all the pumpkins.
Max also went to the beach for the first time while visiting Uncle Chris and Aunt Marla in Jacksonville Beach. He had a blast!
Our little buddy turned 8 months old.
He was the cutest little dinosaur for his first Halloween.
In November, my niece, Hadley was born!
Max turned 9 months old.
We celebrated Thanksgiving in TX with Michelle, Hadley and James.
In December, Molly had surgery to remove a cancerous lump on her leg.
Max turned 10 months old.
We finally moved into our new home.
Max went to see Santa.
And we celebrated Christmas with family.
It's been a wonderful 2012 and we are looking forward to fun times in 2013. I can't believe my baby boy will be 1 next month!

What a great recap
Hopefully you can top 2012, it'll be hard!
I found your blog on Sara's mommy confession site and I have been reading all about your little Max- mine is almost 5 months and its good to read you basically went through what I am going through with my son, good to know there light at the end of the tunnel:) new follower
I love your nursery theme! I'm sure Max's first birthday will be super cute too!
Yes, we do live over much closer to where Leah & Kyle used to be. But if we ever end up closer to the Gwinnett area I will let you know! Thanks!!
Omgosh I love this recap. Max is sooo soo adorable!! It's so funny how dazed and confused babies look from newborn - 3months but Max looks like an actual (older) baby but tiny. Thanks for the recap
What a great 2012 recap!! You had an eventful year with a lot of exciting stuff going on! I loved getting to see Max grow from month to month! :) Happy new year!
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