Our sweet girl is 6 months old! With the holidays I had a hard time getting time to post her update. She also had a stuffy nose for quite some time so pictures were hard to get. So here we go!
Stats- We don't go until she's almost 7 months for her checkup so I'll estimate somewhere in the 17 lb range. She kept grabbing her sticker and ripping it, so there is only one photo with it.
Well, hello there my little brown/hazel eyed girl. Closeup for you.
Eating- We started oatmeal cereal and she wasn't a big fan at all. Check out that face.
I tried some baby led weaning feeding where you give them real foods they can gum around and eat. I still do it occasionally if we have stuff, but I wanted to make sure she was getting enough to eat so we have introduced purred food, too.
Here is Colette trying apple puree. She was not a fan of any baby food at first. She would gag and try to spit it out. She opened up to it after a few tries, but it was funny to watch.
I got home early one day and she was ready for the bottle so I was going to feed her and was very surprised that she was wanting to hold it and feed herself! She did a great job. What a big girl!!
Sleeping- Funny how both my kids were the same on this. I could copy paste from Max's 6 month update. Things have gone from bad to worse! She was getting up around 3-4 times a night. I would try not to feed her, but she just got more frustrated and I was tired. It was easier to just feed her quick and put her back. I knew that we were going to have to start sleep training her soon. We follow the moms on call method, but it's basically just a little tough love. She needed to learn how to soothe herself back to sleep. She is a tummy sleeper. Since she's almost 7 months and I'm just now writing this-- Spoiler alert-- She sleeps all night in her crib now without me getting up! The first night was rough, but after that it's been pretty smooth sailing. She still has off nights where she will whine/cry a few times, but it's only for minutes and I don't have to go in. I am now ready to make up for 6 months of no sleeping! She was worth it though. She goes to bed around 7:30pm and naps 3 times during the day in her crib now!
Colette still loves bath time and will just kick around and "talk" to us.
Just look at those cheeks! Such a cute snowman.
-She is in size 3 honest company diapers.
-She likes puffs
-She's wearing size 9 month clothes
-She does great at sitting up now, but still need to make sure she doesn't tip back and hit her head
-Still has craddle cap that we keep trying to get rid of. Her cheeks also get dry and red, probably because winter.
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She looks a lot like David in the picture of her rolling in the crib. So glad you got a happy baby the 2nd time around! I have to meet her sometime and smush those cheeks!
Aww, she sure is growing up quick. We'll be there for some fun tomorrow evening! :o)
I mean... Those cheeks!!
She is just precious...what fun! xo
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