I also miss Lacey since we don't work together anymore, but we have lunch dates every couple of weeks since I work close to our old company. It's great to catch up and see the kiddos.
Emery is almost 2 now and Max is almost 1 so it was cool to see what kind of things Emery was in to. She knows all her colors really well and is doing a lot of talking. It was past Max's bedtime so he wanted his pacci towards the end of the evening.
How cute are these little ones. Do you think Emery would date a younger boy when she is older?
I'm glad we got to bring the husbands with us. Usually one of them is traveling so it was nice to all catch up. Leah and Kyle have recently bought their new house in NC so they are renovating a ton. It was great to hear about all their new house adventures.
Emery is such a girly girl. She wanted to get her necklaces out because Lacey had on her red necklace. It was really cute.
I'm so glad we could all meet up. Miss you guys!

Soo fun!
I'm so glad we all got to get together!! It was such a fun night!!
LOVED our get together, thanks again for meeting with us. Have to come back and visit again soon!
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