Happy New Year to everyone! Before I start talking about 2013 I thought I'd wrap up 2012 with some photos from Christmas. My sister hasn't finished uploading them so I stole a few from her blog and some from my phone.
We put Max in some cute pjs to open presents. Molly was a bit more excited about tearing some wrapping paper than he was.
Hadley joined the group and had some presents opened for her too.
My little present.
We also did a little cookie baking with Peanut Butter balls, pb cookie kisses and cow plops (Oats and chocolate).
I think we ate them all in about 4 days, they were so good.
We had a few Christmas outfits so we made sure to filter them through so he could wear them all. I know I should have cropped his feet out of this photo because his socks don't match but it is what it is. He looks like such a big boy.Molly found a new friend. She loved these gingerbread pillows (so did I) that were on the couch and would just curl up with them all day.
I loved curling up with Hadley, Molly and Maddie (do you see them all?)
We also had yummy fried turkey on Christmas day.
We kept up with family tradition and did a Christmas craft on x-mas eve. We made a tulle wreath that we found inspiration from pinterest. Instead of buying the rolls of tulle I bought yards of it and although it might have been cheaper it was labor intense to cut all of it down so buy the rolls. They said it would take about 3 rolls and man I would have never thought so but they were right. We were going to make 3-4 wreaths, but only had enough for 1 like this and a smaller one.We helped Michelle and James move in their new house and set up odds and ends. Max wanted to help daddy put together a laundry hamper. He has really been into the projects David has done. He wanted to help install our garage door openers last night and kept getting mad when I would bring him inside.
Max got so spoiled from his Uncle Chris, Aunt Marla, Uncle James and Aunt Michelle. He got so many fun toys to play with and he loves them still. He has started to dance when he hears the music and puts his hands up and down.
One of his favorites is this car that we can push him around in. Since its so cold out we use it in the house. He walks over to it and wants to get in so we help him in and buckle him up. As soon as we do it, his hands go right on the steering wheel and he's ready to go. So cute. Speaking of his Uncle Chris, he is coming here soon for work and gets to visit and play with Max. Hope everyone had a great holiday and Happy New Year!

Max is such a cutie! I'm so glad you guys had a great Christmas!
Love the car, would love to get one for my grandson, what is the name of it?
It is a Step 2 Whisper Rider II. Here is the link on amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Step2-Whisper-Ride-II-Blue/dp/B008CO80SA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1354654783&sr=8-1&keywords=step+2+whisper+ride
So cute! Looks like Max had a great first Christmas!
So fun! Can't wait see Buddo and play with all those cool new toys!
Max is aborable!! Looks like you and your family had a lot of fun and that Max had a great first Christmas!
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