I have a few random things to share so I thought I would link up for 5 on Friday! I am so glad it's Friday, but I wish next week was Thanksgiving! Just leaves us more time to plan our feast!

{ONE} I decided to take the plunge into organic eating by joining the Big Organic Garden. It's basically a buying club (it doesn't cost anything to join) and you order by Tuesday and pick up your food on Thursday at a pickup location. The location is literally minutes from my house on my way home so it was a no brainier. It was like I went grocery shopping but didn't do any of the work! This will make it easier for me to plan upcoming meals since I have ingredients already. I went with the medium box of fruit/veggies (you can get mostly fruit or mostly veggie if you wanted). They list the exact number or pound of things you will get so there are no surprises. You can also swap or add things when they have extras that day. It doesn't seem like a lot when you look but there is 5 apples, 3 oranges, 4 pears, 5 kiwi, 1.5lbs of snap peas, 2 lbs of red potatoes, 2lbs of zucchini, 1 eggplant, 1 head of savoy cabbage, and 1 swiss chard. Almost all is GA grown and I think just the kiwi is USA grown. I also wanted to try roasting a whole pastured chicken (most expensive thing of all) and then also making my own chicken broth. I splurged and also bought 1 lb of grass-fed beef and 2lb of stew meat. Can't you see the lovely beef stew I have going. I'm excited to see what they'll have for next week as it'll be Thanksgiving related (can you say sweet potatoes!)

{THREE} This cutie pie in his nice sweater (also given to him by the neighbor) was a naughty boy last night. After we read books he's been wanting to come hang out with us and have some crackers and water, but we broke him of this a few weeks ago and for some reason he is wanting to do it again. He knows what he wants and when he wants to go to bed. Well, I went to take a shower and David insisted on leaving Max in his crib angry at us. I know we needed to let him cry it out and just go to sleep, but he was PISSED off crying. When I got out I looked at the monitor as he was throwing all his blankets, animals, and pacci out of the crib. The next thing I see is his legs trying to go over and I mention it to David. Well I honestly thought he was just trying to go over and not actually going. So David sprints out and into his room. By the time he gets there he is walking around his room. No thud occurred so he must have just lowered himself down. I don't think he will try to do that on a regular basis, but definitely need to keep an eye out.

{FOUR} I know it's a bit early for some, but the tree is coming out! We got it for free and it is quite large and I recall there being an issue with the lights so we want to see if we can fix them and get a start going on the decorating. We also have a few BIG wreaths that need doctoring up. It'll be interesting to see if our neighbors start their outside decorations. I've mentioned this last year but there are 2 houses on our street that go CRAZY with the decorations and I imagine it takes quite a while to get going.
{FIVE} How precious is little Hadley in her 1 year birthday photos!!