We decided it was time for an extra curricular activity for Max! We asked if he wanted to try soccer or t-ball and he chose t-ball. His buddy Chase was already signed up and his mommy told me they were looking for a second coach and more players. David was reluctant as we all know how much he loves sports, but with Chris as his head coach he was ready to take on the co-coach role! It was a long season due to rain rescheduled games, but this league was nice as the practices were on game days, no extra during the week practices. It was Saturday mornings at 8:45/9am-10am. I'm not sure Max is a big fan at the end as he was always frustrated the other kids would get the ball faster than him. He enjoyed hitting the ball and running the bases though.
Coach Chris in action.
Baseball ready!
Batter Up!
Off he goes!
Doesn't he look cute in his oversized shirt and helmet!
The cheering section! Snacks are a MUST for Coco bean.
And Hadley!
Caught Andrew playing with a barbie (you're welcome Windy).
Max's buddy Chase up to bat!
Go Chase Go!
Love this action shot.
Nice face Max.
Good Game.
Let's be honest. Max was in it for the after game snack!
All his teammates.
Andrew helping his daddy coach.

The coaches and the boys!

So cute these 2! The second sibling life!