Height: 35.75" (8 %)
Weight: 29lbs (20 %)
BP: 80/52
BMI:15.95 (48 %) who knew that they did that?

New Developments- He has really become so independent especially with play time. He will be content taking his superhero action figures and playing for a while by himself. Max is still stuttering a bit. There are times when he doesn't do it at all and then times where it's very noticeable. The doctor said not to worry unless he is very frustrated and can't communicate. That isn't a problem as Max talks about anything and everything. I love listening to him describe things. If he is really into what he is saying he will put his hand up Italian style and explain things.

Eating- He eats breakfast and lunch great (especially at school). Dinner he is getting better but will tell you he doesn't like things right off the bat. There is still a lot of bribing for fruit (I know) but he doesn't watch TV or an Ipad anymore so that's a plus. Fruit is still a favorite for him. He loves noodles, most meats, tacos and pizza as his favorites.

Life with a baby sister- Max is doing so good with his baby sister. He seriously is the sweetest to her. In the mornings if he is up first, he always asks for her and when I get her there are so many kisses and hugs. He helps play with her and gets her something to chew on. If she takes one of his toys he nicely (most times) will find something to exchange with her. She started crawling so I joke about nothing of his being safe. She loves gnawing on his shoot guns, swords or anything. He cheers her on and is her biggest fan. The feeling is definitely mutual.

Sleeping- He takes one, usually very long, nap from about 1:30-3:30/4pm. He goes in very easily now and rarely comes back out at nap. For nighttime I start his bedtime routine after feeding Colette at 7:30pm. We read 2 books, go potty, brush teeth then come back, lock the door and reads 1 more book in bed. This process sometimes takes a long time if he has to go big one (poop). After the suggestion from Moms on Call Toddler book we turned his door knob backwards so it locks on the outside. Judge away, but it was a necessity. He is very stubborn and smart and he just wouldn't stay in his room for bed. It got bad before it had to change. He now goes down pretty easily and stays all night. He sometimes gets up and reads if his clock isn't green. A few more notes on the door locking. The book has great reasoning but one that I like and we say to Max is that it keeps him safe. It's very true, because he sometimes would bust in multiple times a night to our room and he could be walking the halls, going downstairs who knows. Also in case of an emergency we would know exactly where he was because he was safe in his room. I can see/watch him in the monitor and know if he has a problem or is sick he tells me. We also use his room as a simmer room when timeouts don't cut it. He has time to cool off and his room is child proof.

Potty Training- Thought I would mention that he is doing great still with that. He doesn't use diapers at all anymore.

He's enjoyed having a play buddy with Hadley staying at our place. Although they fought like major time so that is a nice change lol.

Our silly tickle monster at story time.

Cruising in his new bday car. He is actually a very good driver.

Lots of projects and painting goes on at school.
We went in for his birthday celebration and loved watching him interact with his classmates.

They were getting ready to dance here.

Max was showing me how his teacher reads books to them.

We send funny faces to daddy when he is out of town.