Colette had her 1st Birthday party this past weekend at our neighborhood pool. I turned to Etsy and had this awesome invite created.

Address goes in the middle box.
I had to order another custom cake from Eileen the cake lady. This is the smash cake.

Swimsuit is a mudpie via amazon. She had an adorable matching dress but we just never changed her into it.

Hadley was our bow wearer for the rest of the party.
She even wore an adorable flamingo dress over her swim suit.
We set up a pop-up tent and fans to keep flys and not melt the cake. David of course was the mastermind behind the setup. It worked so good though, because it was a scorcher out. Max has a flamingo bathing suit on, but not sure I took a pic of him close up.
Dancing time.

Gigi and Coco in their matching flamingo outfits.

We kept decor simple with mostly pink table cloths and a few bigger flamingo findings.

2 day old baby Owen even made his first public appearance!
Had to demonstrate our beverage holders.
Family cake photo. You can kind of see Max's trunks here.
Singing Happy Birthday and Max helping to blow out the candle.
She says ok can I dig in now... Check out her hand sampling the goods.
A few of the happy guests watching Colette.

We are so thankful for everyone that came to the party. I was too busy wrangling a crazy 1 year old to take any more photos of guests, but all of David's family came to celebrate, plus a few neighbor friends and family. We can never do anything small, it's just not how we roll. We are so lucky to be so close to everyone!