Well we borrowed a friends penguin and flamingo costume thinking if we dressed up like him that he would go for it. Nope, he was more nervous that we were wearing them. This pic was just practice, I wouldn't wear that shirt although it's clear a shirt is necessary. We've been practicing trick or treat and putting candy in his bag. He likes to reach in and put the candy in himself. Looks like he will be a Skelton tonight as I think that's all we will get on him. Maybe next year he can choose his own!
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween!
Max has let us know numerous times that he doesn't want to wear his penguin costume. He flat out says no and moves on.
Monday, October 28, 2013
We are back!
We are all back in one place after our week of traveling. My work conference in Destin was busy but we had a good time. We then went to Macon so David could take his PE exam Friday. Results won't be in for 2-3 months. Saturday night we went to a Halloween party where our group went as breaking bad. Pic is on Instagram but I didn't want to broadcast my costume. Let's just say it looked like I was a bag of blue skittles. Sunday we went to Alabama to pick up Max, mom and Molly! David and I also listened to Divergent and Insurgent (almost done) on the ride. David's addicted. Big shout out to Molly today as she turns 8! Enjoy some pics I stole from my sister (who apparently is Max's best friend now).
Monday, October 21, 2013
Pumpkin Carving
I am on my way to a work conference in Destin, FL for a majority of the week and my sweet little Max is with Gigi at Auntie Michelle's house. We drove half way Saturday to drop them off. I was so glad they were able to meet us and we could do the swap. I feel better knowing Max is playing with Hadley and has so many people who love him. I am going through serious withdrawls though. It will be a week and 1 day that I won't see him. The most I've spent away is 1 night (24 hours). David is with me since he had the week off already to study for his test on Friday so he can study in FL. I have starred at these pictures more than a normal person would because I miss my buddy, but he is just so cute. We carved pumpkins last week and he was pretty into it. Hope you all have a great week and I'm counting down the days!
Michelle and Hadley joined in on our fun. Max would take pieces over to show them what he was doing, it was cute.
We bribed him by putting in a wooden spoon so he could scoop out the inside. He just retrieved the spoon and didn't want to actually touch the guts.
All finished and lit up on the porch. Tada! Love that he is old enough to sort of participate these days! Next up, see if he actually will wear his Halloween costume.

I love this photo! Max kept starring up at David watching him work, it was adorable!!
So sweet.
Here Daddy have a taste.
Love his faces.
"Anybody in there?"

Popping out the pieces.
The finished pumpkin. We went the traditional jack o lantern face.

I have no idea why he made that face, but it's funny.
I decided to be in a photo since I was behind the camera for most of it. I wanted to put a bat on the pumpkin that I had a cookie cutter for. Max was into hitting it with the mallet so he was all for it.
He just loves to give the cheese face.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Latest Happenings
I don't mean to ignore the blog as much as I have been, but I have been busy with pajamas. The Christmas colored kind! Every night after Max goes to bed I am consumed with embroidering pajamas. I thought I'd show you some of the ones I've done lately.
This is a train carrying a Christmas tree. This is one of my favorite applique designs I've done.
I love a good matching set and these gingerbread boy/girl do not disappoint!
I love the combo of colors and initials in this group.
The names are classic and also a favorite.

So cute. I feel like Christmas is right around the corner, but there is 2 + months to go!

I knew I wanted to get a taco and I found a bbq pulled pork taco with coleslaw. They even had pink tortillas for breast cancer awareness month.

One of the other favorites was Ippolito's ziti and rolls. They had a ton of great food and dessert and very reasonable for the amount of money vs. tickets you receive. Definitely would go back.

Sorry these next photos have terrible lighting so they didn't come out great on my phone. I got Max a potty since he's been so interested in bathroom activities. He actually went potty on it within a few minutes of sitting on it. Boy, were we surprised and in turn we got so excited and Max was elated that we were so excited for him.

While on Amazon I picked up a few more fun things for Max including these car/construction magnets that we use on the garage door since it's aluminum and our stainless steel fridge won't allow him to use magnets. He does a victory dance once he puts them up there.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Max's Trip to the Pumpkin Patch- 20 Months
This past weekend we took Max to the pumpkin patch. It's the same one we went to last year. It's close by and not as elaborate as the other ones up in the North GA mountains, but with David still studying we didn't want to make the trek up there.

Of course Max had to wear his Halloween gear I made for him.

He was much more mobile this year and was hard to get a picture of him sitting in one place.
Mom did good getting a one handed photo of us. It was a bit warm that day, but we made do in summer clothes.

Max loved looking at the farm animal painting.

He got excited after he saw what the openings were for!

He was dancing and clapping to the music they had playing. We went right as they opened on Sunday and it wasn't crowded.
They had a few chickens, goats, rabbits and ponies on display. Max was pretty intrigued.
Me and Max. Right after this photo he squirmed out and we barely got this one, but I'll take it!

He had it all to himself and played for a while.
He was happy as could be sitting and swinging.
I mean, I am sorry for posting all these photos, but seriously he is just too cute.
Definitely frame worthy.
Max didn't want to share the swing with anyone after that so he was trying to inch away from Gigi.
We had to document her cast though!
I think he is saying "Gigi, you go over there".
Love Mom's face on this one! We had to make one last stop for Max to try out the character faces.
There he is!
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