Seems as though we were busy in the summer enjoying all that the Georgia heat has to offer so let's see what we were up to.
We started off memorial weekend with a wedding up at Frogtown Vineyards.
David and myself played DJ and had fun (guest phone DJ Michelle also in effect).

The MOST exciting thing of the summer happened when David got his results back from his Professional Engineering exam that he took in April. HE PASSED! We are so proud of him! All the support from family, friends and neighbors as he studied day in and night out was awesome.
Coco got a taste of big bows and I cannot lie she did not enjoy them. Just wants to rip them off her head.
Max and Colette really started playing well together.
We used our big green egg a lot to smoke some pork butt. Mmmm
Purchased a new outdoor rug.
Played with all our friends and neighbors.
We got a new roof due to hail damage.
Before and After.
Coco got a chair of her own for her birthday from Auntie Marla and Uncle Chris.
Colette celebrated her 1st birthday with a flamingo party and the cutest dress from Karen!
Auntie Shelly taught Coco how to do a cheeeeeese face.
Cousin love!
It was now time for the 4th of July festivities.
I'm not sure why Max was wearing his spiderman costume. It was red, white and blue?
We watched fireworks at his parent's neighborhood.
We were there too, just papoosing away since it was getting late.
David found this somewhere. Don't ask. But you will now know where the party is at.
I finally somewhat decorated the downstairs guest bedroom.
We watched more fireworks at Sugar Hill.
Colette stayed home with Gigi since it was very late.
We had our neighborhood culdesac annual 4th of July party. We had a very unfortunate incident with a firework so all I will say is have many safety precautions and be smart/safe.
Lots of kids, games and fun!
Pie eating contest with whip cream.
Minute to win it cookie game.
Water balloon toss.
The baby zone.
Adult time!
Chris and Marla came for the weekend to visit!
Messy girl loving her some oreo pie!
Colette tending to the garden.
Max showing us that the carrots aren't ready.
First time to the movies with Hadley and Auntie Michelle!
Play dates with some friends from school.
More fun with sissy.
Pretty sunsets.
Matching shirts with Daddy.
Max's t-ball debut (more to come on that in another post).
Also note Colette's first pony.
Somebody wasn't feeling well.
Fun play time at the pool with her bf Andrew.
Visits with friends! Miss you Leah.
Trampoline fun. See I told you she got a fence.
Wow, a busy summer! I want your neighborhood to adopt me. So much fun on your street!
I totally need to do a summer post too-- it flew by so fast and I haven't blogged a thing! Loved all your pictures... I mean your kiddos are seriously just the cutest. Wish we were closer to get them all together more often. The safety glasses at 4th of july cracked me up-- and your neighborhood party looked SO fun. Glad y'all are doing so well!!
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