Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Hadley Emilia's Nursery
Michelle here again. Well some of you voted/expressed your opinion on baby girl Hadley Emilia's nursery look. The one that we chose/most of you voted for was the top contender all along, I just had second thoughts. I've been second guessing most EVERY decision I make from what food to order to wanting to return boots/shirts that I just buy. So we've ordered the crib bedding and I did my best to do a mock up, I wish I had programs to make it better (I've always wanted to be a graphic designer, I lack the talent but what can ya do). So here's what we've settled on. The bedding won't be in until after she's born, but we will be moving when she's about a month old (tops).
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The yellow walls, pink and white bedding/room accents we are modeling it after |
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Picture of the bedding we are modeling Hadley's after but in our colors |
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Michelle's 32 Week Pregnancy Update
Hello everyone, it's Michelle blogging a pregnancy update. Wow, time just keeps on moving along! I feel like Hadley is going to be here so soon! Jen keeps reminding me that I do still have 8 weeks, it just feels like it's creeping fast!
Gender- Hadley Emilia
Movement: She's a crazy mover, she moves a lot when I lay on my side or when I'm hungry. She sometimes does BIG movements that startle me, I'm not sure what she's dong in there? She got the hiccups for the first time last week! I've been waiting for them, it was neat.
Maternity Clothes: Yup has to be, all my t-shirts are even getting too tight and short
How Far Along: 32 weeks
Size of baby: By now, your baby weighs 3.75 pounds (pick up a large jicama) and is about 16.7 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. You're gaining about a pound a week and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of his birth weight during the next 7 weeks as he fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Total Weight Gain: about 20-23 pounds
Sleep: Well, laying on my left side just isn't that comfortable! I like to toss and turn, move around, sleep on my back and apparently that's not allowed. I'm sleeping, just want to be able to sleep more comfortably.
Symptoms: My back has been hurting a lot lately. My sciatica is still bad, but now my whole back hurts. I can't sit comfortably at all. I last like five minutes on the couch (like right now it's bad). I really don't know what that's from, it's my upper back like I have bad posture, but I'm sitting up straight?
Cravings: Really no cravings besides desserts.... something weird though... I am finding that every time we go out to eat, I don't like my food. I don't care for any of the chicken and I find something wrong with everything I order. Sometimes I get it and I eat nothing of it. I keep saying it's San Antonio food, because I liked all my food in NY! James said he just thinks something weird is going on with my tastes, because he's enjoying it just fine. We've had to get me "second dinners" because I haven't been eating properly. Our conclusion is that we just aren't going to go out so much, because I waste money :)
Symptoms: My back has been hurting a lot lately. My sciatica is still bad, but now my whole back hurts. I can't sit comfortably at all. I last like five minutes on the couch (like right now it's bad). I really don't know what that's from, it's my upper back like I have bad posture, but I'm sitting up straight?
Cravings: Really no cravings besides desserts.... something weird though... I am finding that every time we go out to eat, I don't like my food. I don't care for any of the chicken and I find something wrong with everything I order. Sometimes I get it and I eat nothing of it. I keep saying it's San Antonio food, because I liked all my food in NY! James said he just thinks something weird is going on with my tastes, because he's enjoying it just fine. We've had to get me "second dinners" because I haven't been eating properly. Our conclusion is that we just aren't going to go out so much, because I waste money :)
Gender- Hadley Emilia
Movement: She's a crazy mover, she moves a lot when I lay on my side or when I'm hungry. She sometimes does BIG movements that startle me, I'm not sure what she's dong in there? She got the hiccups for the first time last week! I've been waiting for them, it was neat.
Maternity Clothes: Yup has to be, all my t-shirts are even getting too tight and short
Best Moments this past week: We've been super busy with baby stuff this last week. We had a breast feeding class and child birth class. They were both very informing. We got the hospital tour with the child birth class and I was pretty impressed. It's a very nice new facility. Nice "wood" like floors which make it feel very elegant. Private rooms for everything and you can do "room service" for all your meals. There's no set times to eat and you can order from a menu. It's also the only hospital in our area that allows clear liquid all the way up through delivery (not c-section). They also try their best to only medically induce and not do "happy hour" births (where Drs. schedule inductions at 5pm on Fridays so they don't have to deliver on weekends). It's a weird set up because the midwives/doctors (or residents) I see in the clinic are not who deliver. One of them out of the bunch might, but generally not. It's a teaching hospital too, so you have a lot of residents and others that will be assisting/helping (which I guess there are pros and cons for). We did not care however to watch the video with FOUR child births... as if I wasn't nervous enough, now we have to add traumatized.
What I'm looking forward to: We decided to do the optional 3d/4d ultrasound. We had our appointment LAST Saturday, but little miss Hadley must have picked up on her cousin Max's naughty tricks and decided to be a little complicated :) We learned some great news though, SHE'S HEAD DOWN!! horray!! Since Max was frank breech, I was sort of expecting Hadley to be a little like that as well, but nope. She's squished up to my right side with her feet/booty right up into my rib area- which is nice when she does kicks haha. The ultra sound technician wanted to do a rescan (for free) because her face was pushed up against my right side and we could only get profile shots. She also kept putting her hands in her face and her hands on her knees (she's so cute already!) She has some hair on her head that we could see, not clear on how much, but it's there. Hopefully she'll cooperate more on Thursday and then I'll post some pictures! We also have our maternity photo shoot coming up next week!
Milestones: We ordered Hadley Emilia's crib bedding! I'm having a lady make it from etsy, it won't come in until probably after Hadley's born, but we won't need it then anyway. I will do a little mock up to show you in a different post, along with the room choice we decided on. Happy Fall everyone! James and I celebrated by going out to a corn maize, hope you're enjoying your Fall with maybe cooler temperatures than us (we're still at 90).
She's really popping out now!
Michelle Pregnancy
Monday, September 24, 2012
Max is 7 Months Old
Sorry I am a bit late on this post again, but better late than never!
Stats- 17 lbs (estimating). No other ones as we don't go for a check up this month.
New Development- Our little boy got his first tooth days before his 7 month birthday. We noticed a tooth coming in September 7th. Shortly after that one coming in, the other bottom one came in. I am sorry to say that I have not successfully been able to take a photo of them. He really didn't act much different or fussier so we were thankful for that. He did get a little runny nose which I am not sure its related or from our trip to NY.Personality- He is still our happy little boy. He loves smiling, babbling, screeching and getting your attention. He doesn't sit still as you can see in our photo shoot. He lasted for 2 seconds in the chair.
Eating- He has really adjusted to a more consistent schedule and we are loving it. He wakes up at 7am and BF's at 7am, 10:30/11, 3, and 7 before bed. I will be starting work next week and I am so grateful that he is much more predictable. He is eating baby food 3 times a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner and still loves everything he eats.
Puffs are also a great snacking tool that keep him occupied for the times where he thinks hes ready for food already. He is eating apples, blueberries, pears, bananas, mangos, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, broccoli and butternut squash. He is still wanting everything we have on our plates so I look forward to the finger food stage where we can have him eat more real foods.
Sleeping- I am happy to report our little boy has done GREAT with sleeping. He is consistently sleeping from about 7:15pm-7am with little to no peeps. He is also getting better at naps napping at about 9:30/10am and 2pm for on average an hour. I'd love to get those longer, but I can't complain since he is sleeping through the night.
Development- He is still loving running around in his car and likes his rainforest jumper. He still doesn't really use it for jumping, he likes to analyze all the toys and move from station to station swiveling.
It won't be long now! We are staying with david's parents temporarily and they have a lot of carpet so this is def. helping him get more comfortable on his stomach and trying to crawl.
Randoms- He is wearing size 2 diapers still
Size 6-9 month clothing
He is almost pulling up on crib/coffee tables. He loves playing on the big diaper boxes.
Max Monthly Updates
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
This is What Cousins Do Together!
Quick update. We moved this weekend to David's parents house for a temporary stay. We found out that we got approval on our short sale house and we move in the end of october/beginning of november! I also got a job offer and will be accepting tomorrow for a start date of October 1!
This is what cousins do together.
Aren't they adorable?! I love them so!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Michelle's Baby Shower
I decided to do a sweets and treats baby shower for Michelle since a majority of her pregnancy she had been craving yummy desserts. As part of my plan I needed a skilled pastry chef and I knew the perfect person for the job.
Insert Jen (and Max grabbing her hair). I grew up 2 houses down from her and have watched (via her blog) her baking skills evolve. She lives in Colorado right now so I asked her if she was available for a trip home to do some baking and thankfully she was!We came up with a list of desserts that were also color coordinated with the shower colors. She did a phenomenal job prepping, baking and having everything ready on time. I wish you could have tasted everything, it was amazing. Not only did they look so good, they were incredibly tasty.
Since Hadley's nursery colors might possibly be a fuchsia pink and yellow we decided to embrace it with our dress colors.
My Aunt Kathy helped host the shower and we used her beautiful house (look at the pretty trees in the back yard). Max of course had to be dressed up with his new collared shirt and overalls.
If baking wasn't enough work for Jen S, she also made some adorable decorations for the shower. She really is a great friend. I can't thank you enough especially since I've been so scatter brained around here.
Of course we had to have a tutu diaper cake!
Michelle had her brother in law, sister in law, Jame's grandma and uncle make the trip from out of town. It was so great to see them all and have them join in her special shower.
I made 2 lemonade type punches to match our color scheme with cute straws.
Check out all these desserts.
There were cream puffs, strawberry angel food cake cups, yellow and pink sugar cookies, jelly cookies, cupcake, chocolate cake balls, lemon cookies, and lemon squares.
The cake balls were my favorite!
So glad my grandma could come to the shower.
We had yummy food brought by our relatives.
We played a matching candy bar game to go with the theme.
Unfortunately, I forgot to take staged pictures of guests so these will have to do!
Kacy must have gotten the answers wrong by the look on her face lol :) (sorry kacy, had to post this pic, its the only one I got of you at the shower!)
Michelle received so many wonderful gifts for baby girl Hadley. Of course one of our favorites was this Georgia Southern cheerleading uniform for Hadley (from Jen S- so thoughtful).The tutu on the diaper cake doubled as a birthday gift for Delilah. She looked so cute in it (mom made this one too). I'm so glad we could all get together for Michelle's shower. I can't wait for Hadley to get here. Thanks again to everyone for coming!
Michelle Pregnancy
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
NY Trip- Max Meets Grandma and Dad
We have been wanting to get Max up to NY for months now, but he we weren't ready for that adventure with a fussy boy. We were so glad Max got to meet his grandpa and great grandma. My grandma doesn't see too well any more, but she lit up when she got to meet him. Max was very intrigued by her and kept trying to touch her face. I love that they all got to spend time with him. He is a joy to everyone. My dad has a ipad so we're going to be doing a lot more face time so they can watch and listen to him from afar.
So sweet. I love this one although Max is trying to eat her.
They liked to bang the table together.
Grandma and all her grandchildren and great grandchild. Max looks like he is picking his nose, but this is the best we could get with a baby who doesn't sit still.
He loves his great grandma and so do we!
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