Our little boy is now 18 months old (August 9th)! He is getting SO big (not literally), but age wise! He went to the doctor yesterday so I can update his stats. Poor little buddy got more shots, you can see him showing his bandaids off below.

Weight: 21 lbs 12.5 oz (4%)
Height: 31 1/2" (22%)
Head Circumference: 18 1/2" (25%)

So he is still small in the weight department, but he eats so I'm not going to dwell on it.
New Developments: Well, I already told you about all his swinging
and climbing. He loves playing on Gigi's ipad. He enjoys playing outside with all the neighborhood kids. He loves to watch them play and anytime they are outside he freaks out until we go out.

He also loves to kick
his ball around. We have a neighborhood full of soccer players and Max
has taken quite the interest and will successfully kick the ball and
make good contact with it all around the house. I'm impressed. Here he is trying to do tricks like Michael does with his soccer ball.

Here he is playing with Noah and Pilar. Max can say Noah pretty well now. These two are going to be trouble!
He went to Pilars birthday party this weekend and got himself a balloon. He carried and played with it 24/7 until it popped. Such a cutie pie. 
Here he is dancing with all the big kids at the party. He was shy until the balloons came out.
He signs water and more a lot. We're trying to introduce please and thank you.
He has 12 teeth with 4 more that you can see coming up! We had to get him a little electric tooth brush and he's doing much better with letting us brush them.

Eating: He still loves his raisin toast in the morning followed by his smoothie, fruit and cereal for breakfast.

For lunch he likes sandwiches or leftovers. He then eats constantly from the time his afternoon nap is over until dinner since most times we are preparing dinner and he just wants to "help". Dinner he eats most things but his favorites are meat, most veggies except he starting not liking his greens with the exception of peas, tomatoes, avoacados, noodles (no sauce) and any fruit. He loves peas. He drinks coconut milk with lunch and dinner and almond milk in smoothies. Other than that he is a water boy.
He's just so cute.
Max also loves anything his daddy is doing. He has to go downstairs with him, outside, anywhere.

Size 3 pampers cruiser diapers.
He loves his mama and I don't care if he is a mama's boy. We love him so. I'll leave you with an adorable video of him laughing. It's not focused on his face that much because I was making him laugh and videoing at the same time.